ILR Services can offer comprehensive loss detection and prevention services. We specialise in the detection and investigation of employee embezzlement. We employ a wide range of overt and covert methods in the detection and gathering of evidence.
We establish whether or not loss is incurring within your business. We can then instigate measures to prevent future losses from all possible sectors within your business.
We would firstly look at how your business can pro-actively deter employee embezzlement. For instance, we do this by:
Installing clear policies and procedures
Training employees to detect potential problems and installing reporting procedures
Conduct background investigations on staff members to identify 'risk factors'
Analyse physical and procedural security measures and identify weak spots
Finally, review internal and external audit procedures. We provide a full report on possible weaknesses and recommend measures to maximise protection of your business assets.
If you suspect, that a perpetrator, has fraudulently converted your business assets, we can assist you. We establish who, what, when, where, why, and how. Once the facts are established, we can assist you to bring the perpetrator to justice, and instigate measures to retrieve assets or cash.